Dolores Von Rosen Basket Makers Guild
June 25, 2024
President Julie Honchar opened the meeting after lunch.
Minutes from the previous meeting were approved.
Treasury Report: Patricia Henderson reported $ 3,576.39 in treasury.
A big thank you to June Pittman for being alert and finding the guild an alternate meeting place. It worked out great, especially having the shelter space for the messy projects.
Continued business:
If anyone has seen or remembers where Anna Kay’s gourd basket is or was , please get in touch with her.
Pay Martha if you ordered bases from her.
Sue Mc Farland will need all baskets for Empty Bowls by the August Meeting.
The gourd undulating no rules basket will continue next month, Debbie will bring back all the “stuff” for completion.
Everyone completed Bonnie’s basket with stain, so that is one and done.
New Class for September- Peggy McCarson will be teaching paper baskets. Everyone should have received the emails. Her address is 7409 Indigo Oasis Ct. Gibsonton, FL 33534
You can also email her the choices you pick. Orders must be in by August 28, 2024.
The August class will be working on the Oui Jars.
A wonderful lunch was enjoyed by all.
I am including in these minutes some pictures of what round reed can be manipulated into doing, for the gourd weavers.
Debbie Wilson
April 23, 2024 Meeting Minutes Doloris Von Rosen Basket Guild
President Julie Honchar opened the meeting.
Minutes from the March meeting were accepted and pproved and everyone received them.
Treasurer”s Report: Patricia Henderson reported that we have a balance3 of $3,576.39
We have 30 rostered members to date. New rosters were handed out.
Correction to the new roster for member Anna Kay Singley
Correction is for the email,
Next month ( May) Bonnie Geiger is teaching her stained basket with the special black handle. All sign ups and monies need to be paid to her today.
Debbie Wilson will be teaching Undulating Gourd at the June and July Meetings. She will provide gourds , prepped and ready to go, dyed in a neutral brown or black, spokes inserted and glued, and a variety of weaving materials. If participants would like to add in their own stuff, feel free. She is charging $48.00. The list so far includes:Anna Kay Singley, Jean Byrd, Sue McFarland , Gail Davison, Pat Wicker, Nancy Gable, Bonnie Geiger. If anyone else would like to do this project please get in touch with Debbie before June 1st.
Debbie will also ask at the May meeting which color choice for the gourd you prefer.
Julie brought up how to let Google determine spoke placement for a diameter of a round basket. You can printo out a template by asking Google to( example ) “ How to divide into 37 segments on a 6 inch circle? “
Julie also brought her Ipad and computer to show how to screen shot, open a PDF.
The art show; Earth into Art was a wonderful success at the Greenwood Art Center. Cathy Strawhorn, Julie Honchar, Pat Wicker, Louise Creswell and Debbie Wilson particapated and all had sales!
Sis says thanks for all the cards and she is on the mend. Robbie is doing well, having physical therapy and in a brace.
A great pot luck lunch followed with wonderful fellowship.
Respectfully submited,
Debbie Wilson
Dolores von Rosen Basket Guild March 2024 Minutes
President Julie Honchar opened the meeting while we enjoyed the wonderful potluck lunch.
Minutes from the previous meeting were approved and no corrections needed.
Treasurer's Report: $3,332.39 balance as of 4/26.2024
$320.00 was taken in during the raffle last month.
Our next raffle will take place in December 2024., so save those items that you want to “share “ with others.
Projects in the forecast:
Julie has the round reed and spokes for anyone doing the Ice Bucket project next month.
Our next few meeting projects are:
April: Ice Bucket
May: Bonnie Geiger will teach the basket that has the wood stain that bleeds through. Bonnie will have a list and sign up at the April Meeting or send out for confirmation.
June and July- Debbie Wilson will teach Undulating weaving on a gourd. She will need exact confirmation by the May meeting. She will let everyone know the cost of class then too.
Tips for computers will begin next month, Julie will bring in her laptop and will teach simple techniques/procedures for anyone needing help.
Bread Baskets for the Greenwood”s Empty Bowls is an ongoing project; please bring any baskets you have made to Sue Mc Farland by August 2024. If you need reed or pattern for this project, see Julie, she has the provided Guild supplies, There is a limited amount left.
Please send cards and messages to our members who cannot be with us right now, but are hopefully on the mend, WE MISS YOU!
Robbie Norris- surgery was successful, her address is 3217 NinetySix Hwy. NinetySix, SC 29666
Gail Davidson- had a procedure on Wednesday. Her address is 116 Mr. ShoresDr.
Greenwood, SC 29649
Myrtle Longshore. Healing still from broken ribs, her address is 1670 Long Sumpit Dr.
Chappells,SC 29037
Patsy Nichols , her address is 5461 SC Hwy 395, Newberryt.SC 29108
Don’t forget to come and support members who will be participating in the Earth to Art event in Greenwood at the Greenwood Art Center.
I am including pictures of May’s project and June/July project with these minutes.
We are not doing the dreamcatcher featured here, and yours will be uniquely yours, depending on the colors and textures of what you weave with. All you have to know about is how to twine and basic weave. I need to get the gourds and prepare them , so that is why I have deadline of the end of May.
May Class by Bonnie Geiger.
Bonnie will have all the information at the April meeting.
January 23,2024 Minutes Dolores Von Rosen Basket Guild
President Julie Honchar opened the meeting with the following announcements;
Weave-In business;
Reminder to please bring any raffle items with you to The Weave-In 2024 if you have any to bring.
Get your orders in with KnK if you need any reed special colors or sizes,by the end of January, first week of February. They will bring with them to The Weave-in. Bonus - no postage!
Obituary of Julianne Lewis was passed around to members, and Julie shared that Julianne had remembered the Dolores von Rosen Basket Guild in her will, Julie has spoken with her lawyer and will meet with him on Thursday, March 25,2024 to review basketry contents.
The Guild will send in a monetary gift to the local Columbia Women's Shelter in memory of Julianne.
Patricia Henderson- Treasurer's Report: $3157.17
Programs for 2024
February-Mini Muffin Basket led by Julie Honchar
March- Double Hoop Wreath- Debbie Wilson
April-Ice Bucket- Julie Honchar
May-Stained with Minwax basket-Bonnie Geiger Silent Auction
June-Undulating Weaving on a Gourd- Debbie Wilson
July- continued weaving on a gourd
August- Holly’s Carryall Basket- Joyce Crain
September- Peggy TBD
October- Wine Bottle Coaster
November- Pine Needle Ornament-/Trivet- Cathay Strawhorne
December- Christmas Party/ Dirty Santa
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Wilson
DVR Basket Guild Meeting Minutes 2/28/2024
Julie Honchar, and Bonnie Gieger, organized getting basket materials into the building.
Julianne Lewis, willed her weaving materials to our guild. What a blessing they were. Materials were brought into the building and sorted.
Julie Honchar, had prepared the basket kits for the muffin baskets.Quite an under taking.
We wove these before lunch. They are simple to weave and so cute.We will need these and any other bread basket you would like to weave for the, Greenwood Fund Raiser in the fall. Sue will be collecting these.
June’s birthday was celebrated with cake and song. She will be 80years young!!
Lunch was so good for a rainy day. We had 3 hot casseroles.
Meeting called to order by ,Julie Honchar, President.
Each person paid $20.00 to join in the raffle for weaving materials. Names tage's were drawn from a box and individuals selected items of their choice.
Julie, has tutorial twill patterns available.
There is a change in the August class. We will have Christmas in August. If someone would like to go on line and select a , Suzanne Moore, Christmas Basket Kit, and teach it, that would be great. We will also do ornaments.
Various teachers and classes were discussed for this year. Please check Webb site for this years class schedule.
Treasurer Reported stated per , Pat Henderson , as “same as last month”.
Robbie Norris, shall be having MAJOR back surgery on March 19th.Please pray for her now as she prepares and goes through this surgery.
Submitted by: Joyce Crain VP
November 28th,2023 Dolores von Rosen Guild Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order : Julie Honchar, Pres.
Minutes taken per Joyce Crain, VP, for Debbie Wilson, Secretary who is ill. Our prayers and well
wishes, Debbie.
Devotion: Joyce Crain
Lunch : Delicious!
Treasurer Report: Pat Henderson -- Balance $2425.10
· Guild dues may now be paid for next year : $25.00
· NO Raffle items will be taken from Guild members at the Christmas Party- These items will be Raffled at the January Guild meeting
· Request has been made “RESPECTFULLY” that “NO” old reed kits or old baskets be given as gifts at the Christmas Party.
· Mr. John Smart (husband of ), Linda Smart, has graciously donated to our guild : Dolores von Rosen Basket Weavers Guild ; Linda’s craft and basket weaving materials.
· FEBRUARY WEAVE IN WORK SHOP-EMBASSY SUITES; Cut off date to register for classes is
December 15th.Deadline for hotel is January 22nd.( Denise Gilliam)
Senior News of GA published an article about, Anna Kay Singly’s work with crafts and basket weaving.
Meeting adjourned per President , Julie Honchar
Minutes for the Dolores von Rosen Basket Guild Oct 24, 2024
Minutes for the Dolores vonRosen Basket Guild Oct 24, 2024
Meeting was called to order by President Julie Honchar. The treasurer advised that there is $2,025.11 in the bank.
After a discussion about officers, Julie, Debbie and Patricia all agreed to serve another year. The Vice President position was discussed as Joyce Crain has held that position for two years and has attended very few meetings in that time due to health issues. Julie contacted Joyce and Joyce advised that her health is now fine and she would like to continue as Vice President. Joyce assured Julie that she would attend meetings this year and fulfill the duties of Vice President.
At the November meeting, we will be making bird nests. Beverly Vickers has a great video providing details on how to make the birds nest. The video is located here:
To make the birds nest, you will need about 30 yards of #2 round reed. I am sure #3 would work as well.
Our meeting for Dec will be on the 12th. Mark your calendars and save the date. We will have a super big rafle so start saving your money.
Until next month, we weave and stay healthy!! Bonnie Geiger
Debbie’s little helper
Additional Information
Our guild has been invited to take part in the “Earth Into Art Sale” at the Arts Center of Greenwood, April 20, 2024. This would be a great opportunity to promote our guild and to get new members.
Each participant would have a table where you would be able to sell your baskets. The center would take a 30% commission. There is no fee for the table. The center would take care of providing the administrative details, tables, inventory forms and labels, collecting money and advertising.
We would be responsible for setting up our table, label our work and man the table day of sale. We would also demo the day of sale.
There is also an Outreach program with the Boys & Girls Club of the Lakelands that would be a great opportunity to do some weaving with young folks.
I will have more information that I will share at the meeting. Plan to participate. If you don’t have enough baskets to sell – partner with someone. I will need to let them know how many will participate by Monday November 27.
If you have any question, please let me know.
Dolores vonRosen Basket Guild
August 2023 Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Patricia Henderson.
Treasurer’s Report.
$1,948.00 was collected for kits for the August workshop
550.00 was the teacher fee which was paid by the guild
2,498.00 paid to Ramona Boykin
$80.25 paid to D&L Florist for flowers for Linda Smart funeral
$42.84 paid to Sam’s Club for paper products
$43.59 paid to Subway for sandwiches for Sunday workshop
Balance as of 8/22/23 is $2,055.11
$210.00 will be paid to the community center for three days in Aug, and rent for May, Jun, July and Aug.
$1,845.11 will be the beginning balance in Sept.
Sadly, we lost a member of our guild. Linda will certainly be missed. She was a blessing to all who knew her and an absolute joy to be around.
Linda Smart, age 79, wife of John Emerson Smart, passed away Tuesday, August 15, 2023 at the Abbeville Area Medical Center.
Born October 1, 1943 in Clinton, SC, she was a daughter of the late Donaldson Vance Wright, Jr. and Emma Louise Elliot Wright.
Linda retired from the Clinton Newberry Natural Gas Authority. She enjoyed participating in the Basket Guild and loved anything pertaining to crafts.
Sep meeting. Two projects. First is altered paper. Please bring National Geographic magazines that were printed after 1990 because the ink used after 1990 was a clay based ink. Check out thrift stores for the magazines. Julie is going to buy Citrasolv. Members who want to participate in this project will pay Julie $5 for the Citrasolv. Making the paper will take place outside due to the strong odor of the Citrasolv. There will be a homework assignment attached to this project.
Making the paper will not take long so the second project will be to complete, or work on an unfinished basket. If you do not have an unfinished basket, let me know. I have plenty. If you have a basket that has you stumped, bring it and we can all help getting you “unstumped”.
Oct meeting – Continuation of the altered paper class. The altered paper will be decoupaged onto “something”. Julie made a turtle with the altered paper. Members may make a turtle or anything they choose. The altered paper can be decoupaged onto almost any surface. If you choose to make a turtle, there will be a fee involved for the gourd, beads, pine needles and thread.
Nov – Make little Christmas ornaments or miniature baskets. If you see something you like, send a picture to Bonnie. We are looking for ideas of what to make.
Dec – Christmas party
Thank you Sue McFarland for enticing us to try a Japanese Neolithic Braid basket today. This was very interesting, and the results varied. Of course, I forgot to take pictures, but hopefully next month everyone will bring their basket so we can all admire the creativity of those who tried this new weave. This is one of the four or five that Sue made. Sue bought the patterns from Flo Hoppe.
As a reminder, please bring a bread basket next month so that Sue can take the baskets to the Empty Bowls fund raiser in Greenwood. This is the only charity event that this guild does so please try to remember to bring a basket. It does not have to be a large basket. Simple and small is good. Empty Bowls helps to feed people who need food.
Pray/Contact List
Please remember our members in your prayers. Cards are also a great way to let folks know you are thinking of them. The Dollar Tree has cards that are inexpensive. Grab a bunch next time you are there and when you see this list, send a card. You can send the same card to everyone and even send the same card to the same person more than once. Then they will have a collection! It is the thought and what you say on the inside that matters. The card is just the vehicle. Varoom!
Debbie Wilson is still undergoing chemo treatments. Her last treatment is Aug 30. She is doing well but is extremely tired. Each chemo treatment gets a little bit tougher. At the end of the chemo comes radiation. (3 Laurel Court, Travelers Rest, SC 29690)
Joyce Crain had surgery and is doing well. She is in a lot of pain but mending, albeit s-l-o-w-l-y. (170 Overdale Road, Iman, SC 29349
Mamye Enlow had a hip replacement surgery last Wednesday. She is home and suffering from pain and agony which are the side effects of replacing bone with metal. Ouch!! (2110 Long Sumpit Rd, Chappells, SC 29037
Julie Honchar is suffering from LPR, laryngopharyngeal reflux, also known as silent reflux. The doctors have taken away her favorite foods and beverage of choice, so she is not currently a happy camper. She will get her esophagus stretched next week and hopefully that will help. (858 Grand Canyon Rd, Inman, SC 29349)
Rhonda’s husband Donnie McDowell has been diagnosed with mesothelioma. This is a rare devastating form of lung cancer. (106 Dogwood Dr, Ninety Six, SC 29666)
Ok my dear weavers. That is all I can think of at the moment. Stay cool, drink lots of water, weave something neat (a bread basket for example) and be happy. I will see you in September. (That’s a song!!)
Bonnie Geiger
June 27, 2023
Minutes - Delores von Rosen Guild
Meeting called to order by Julie Honchar
Card sent by Debbie Wilson to the guild was read. Debbie is doing well and enjoys the cards. We will keep her in our prayers as she goes through treatment. We miss her and look forward to her returning to the guild meetings.
Our July class was changed from the Neolithic Braid Basket to UFO’s. The Neolithic basket will be taught at the August meeting by Sue McFarland. Picture is on the website. If you want a pattern for the Neo, it is $4 and the deadline to pay Sue is the July meeting.
Bonnie Geiger spoke about our August workshop with Mona from August Moon. Today was the final day to order and pay for your selected baskets.
Instead of a sunshine person, we should all send cards to members in need as well as keep them in our prayers. Currently we have Debbie Wilson, Joyce Crain, Mamye Enlow and Linda Smart whose husband is in the hospital, could use some sunshine.
We had three new members. Jane Olagaard, Connie Smith and Martha George = WELCOME
And also a visitor – Kristina who will hopefully be joining us in the future.
Another great pot luck was enjoyed by all.
A special mote from Sue McFarland
In previous years, our Guild has woven bread baskets to donate to the Greenwood Soup Kitchen for their “Empty Bowls” fund raiser. If anyone wants to donate any baskets this year, I will be happy to deliver them prior to the event. If you wish to donate a basket, please bring it to me by the August meeting in order to get it delivered in time. Your donations are greatly appreciated! Sue McFarland
Please let me know if anything is missing.
Submitted by Julie with Bonnie's help
April Minutes- Dolores Von Rosen Basketmakers Guild
President Julie Honchar opened the meeting.
Minutes were approved from the previous meeting.
Treasurer’s Report: $3, 075.35 is the balance at this time.
Class suggestions for the next few meetings:
May- Coiling, everyone brings something to ciol with and on. If you are willing, please share at meeting your coiling techniques.
June- Bottle Lights, save those glass wine bottles or other tall bottles, like olive oil.
The cork stopper/fairy light on/ off switch will be available.. More details to follow.
July- Round Reed freeform Flo Hoppe basket
August- August Moon is coming on August 19th and 20th.
Please be on the lookout for an attachment on August Moon classes. If I cannot figure out how to attach, I will send it separately. I may be able to include in minutes
Submitted by
Debbie Wilson
Dolores Von Rosen Basket Guild
March 2023 Meeting
Vice President Joyce Crain called the meeting to order.
Minutes: The minutes were approved from the previous meeting.
Treasurer’s report: Patricia Henderson reported that the guild has $3.073.35 in treasury.
Debbie Wilson reported about the SC Gourd Ghost Creek Gourd Festival web page for more info on the festival taking place April 28-29 2023.
More information about the Gourd Gathering in Waynesville, NC in June is at Registration is open now for classes, and there are several weaving classes. Registration runs through April 30,2023.
August Moon Basket Weekend:
Bonnie reported the two dates in August 2023 that the guild likes best, August 5-6 or August 19-20. Joyce called for a vote on the dates,so we can book the meeting place. The guild voted to go with the August 19-20, 2023 weekend for August Moon to come.
Patricia will check with the Fire Department to see if the building is available. Bonnie will check on the fees for classes.
April Meeting: Peggy McCarson will be coming. If you have not already, please send her your class fee.
Sunshine Committee-Joyce: Joyce reported that Julie’s husband, Al is doing better, has upcoming surgeries. Robbie Norris had surgery on her hand, cast will be off next week. Linda Smart is doing well, she was actually present at the meeting. Scottie is doing well and is active , her son is getting married soon.
The food for the lunch was blessed by Sis. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Wilson
February 2023 Minutes of Dolores Von Rosen Basket Guild
Vice President Joyce Crain called the meeting to order.
Minutes: The minutes were approved from the previous meeting.
Treasurer’s report: Patricia Henderson reported that the gouild has $3.073.35 in treasury.
Debbie Wilson reported about the SC Gourd Ghost Creek Gourd Festival web page for more info on the festival taking place April 28-29 2023.
More information about the Gourd Gathering in Waynesville, NC in June is at Registration is open now for classes, and there are several weaving classes. Registration runs through April 30,2023.
August Moon Basket Weekend:
Bonnie reported the two dates in August 2023 that the guild likes best, August 5-6 or August 19-20. Joyce called for a vote on the dates,so we can book the meeting place. The guild voted to go with the August 19-20, 2023 weekend for August Moon to come.
Patricia will check with the Fire Department to see if the building is available. Bonnie will check on the fees for classes.
April Meeting: Peggy McCarson will be coming. If you have not already, please send her your class fee.
Sunshine Committee-Joyce: Joyce reported that Julie’s husband, Al is doing better, has upcoming surgeries. Robbie Norris had surgery on her hand, cast will be off next week. Linda Smart is doing well, she was actually present at the meeting. Scottie is doing well and is active , her son is getting married soon.
The food for the lunch was blessed by Sis. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Wilson
January 2023 Minutes of Dolores Von Rosen Basket Guild
Julie Honchar called the meeting to order.
Julie brought up what to do with minutes and other papers from the guild dating from 2007. No one wanted to house them. It was decided to let guild members take what they wanted, and the rest will be disposed of. The plastic sheet protectors and any notebooks will be distributed among the members.
Bonnie shared lots of tips and tricks at the meeting, these will be compiled and sent out by Julie.
The next meeting ( February) will be a gourd basket taught by Debbie Wilson, Smash a Gourd. Everyone will bring their own round reed or other weaveable materials. This is an ideal project for scraps and anything that can be woven, Debbie will bring gourds and instructions. Charge is $3.00. If you did not sign up and need a gourd, get in touch with Debbie. She will bring a few extra’s.
Recommended #2 round reed , string, ribbon,fabric strips, leather strips, if flexible, #3 round reed, thin flat reed.
March meeting- Bonnie will teach a variation on a cheese basket using ¼ inch flat reed,
Treasurer Report: Patricia reported that $2908.35 is in the treasury.
Debbie got $10.00 for stamps.
Julie shared that she can make Basket T-shirts for everyone with her machine. Bring your own T-shirt, charge will be $8.00. T_shirts can be brought to any meeting.
Great lunch as usual.
Sincerely ,
Debbie Wilson
Dolores Von Rosen Basketmakers Guild
December 13, 2022
Julie Honchar opened the meeting and announced our spring schedule so far….
January 2023 Tips and Tricks, Bring your troubled baskets that are keeping you awake at night, those that are giving you problems in finishing. This will be your lucky day to get help.
February 2023 Smash a Gourd
Debbie Wilson will lead this class, bring round reed ( I suggest a number 2 or 3) and anything that will weave, like ribbon, wire, leather strips, even beads taht will fit round reed. ect… You will need a water bucket, old towel, needlenose pliers and $3.oo for a gourd and instructions. This is a random weave and lots of fun, no brainer and relaxed
.March, 2023 Bunny Basket taught by Diane Cameron, Fun for Easter !
April 2023 Peggy McCarson will be teaching
That is all that was revealed so far for the year 2023.
Treasurer Report- Patricia reported our balance at $2988.35
Total collected in dues $450.00 and $470.00 from the raffle.
A motion made by Robbie to keep the same officers as this year. Motion seconded.
Officers will remain in place, everyone said they will continue. Bonnie said she would step in as needed if someone needed to be away.
Julie - President
Joyce - Vice President
Patricia- Treasurer
Debbie - Secretary
We played Dirty Santa with many steals along the way. So Much FUN! And some new ideas for classes!
Great food as usual!
Debbie Wilson
October 25, 2022
Dolores von Rosen Basket Guild
Minutes for October 2022 (More like a newsletter, but this is just a Bonnie thing)
CALL TO ORDER. President Julie Honchar called the meeting to order stating that we would have a five
minute meeting. The meeting lasted almost 30 minutes. Obviously, SHE talks very slowly! Or, we talk a
TREASURER REPORT. We have $2,181.03 in the treasury.
IMPORTANT REMINDERS SO PAY ATTENTION. We will not, repeat, NOT meet the 4th Tuesday in Nov.
We will meet Nov 29. Since this is after Thanksgiving, our potluck can be leftovers. Perhaps we should
do tofu instead since all of us will probably eat way too much for Thanksgiving. (Just joking!) While
food is the topic of the moment, we failed to discuss a food theme for Nov, so whatever you would like
to bring, bring it! We will eat it!! It is called a free for all!! (Ha! I made that up!)
We will meet Dec 13, which is NOT the 4th Tuesday. We are weaving around the holidays. (Akin to
dancing around the Christmas tree.!! (I made that up too!!)
PROJECTS. In Nov, we will make ornaments. Several patterns and ideas were tossed about. Patterns
were distributed for a bell and Julie had a pattern for an angel and a reindeer. Also, Julie has a sample
Christmas tree. Julie will scout out the weaver of the tree and maybe come up with a pattern. Maybe
not. Might just have to look at it and weave it. I also found a pattern on the Missouri Basketweavers
Guild website for a gift card basket. Too cute! If you find an ornament pattern that you like, send it to
Julie so it can be posted on the website.
For the November meeting, everyone should bring reed. Whatever you have to use and/or share,
please bring it. All the patterns that we have available for ornaments will be posted on our website Please take time to check the patterns to see what type of materials
you will need to weave the ornament(s) of your choice.
For the December meeting, everyone should bring food, a gift for the Dirty Santa if you would like to
participate, and money. The money is for raffle tickets. Or you might want to have enough money to
bribe the person who got the Dirty Santa gift that you wanted but could not hang onto!! It was decided
that this year, raffle items and the Dirty Santa could be anything. Preferably basket related for the Dirty
Santa, but what the heck. Money will work.
GUEST TEACHER. Bonnie talked to Mona with August Moon about the possibility of her teaching at a
guild meeting. She is willing to do so during the summer. Bonnie will follow up with Mona to see if she
would be available in May or July. Details to follow next month. In the meantime, her basket patterns
and kits can be viewed on her website,
Robbie is still home nursing her arms/hands. Just so you know Robbie, you can come to the meeting
and sit and chat with us while we weave. We will spoon feed you lunch if you cannot use your
arms/hands. Hope you are better soon.
Joyce Crain was absent because she was teaching a basket class somewhere.
Linda Smart was chauffeured to the meeting by Cathy Strawhorn. Bless Cathy for driving Linda, both in
her car and in her wheelchair. Linda’s foot is healing, albeit slowly, but progress continues (Hallelujah!!)
and she hopes to be walking soon. Prayers for Linda’s husband who had a heart attack about a month
ago and is recuperating, but with surgery in his future.
Sandy Ridgell, who has been babysitting for the past four years was at the meeting. She reported that
the twins are doing well. She “twin sits” Monday through Thursday, and it takes her Friday, Saturday,
and Sunday to regenerate! Three days to regenerate?!? Not sure if that is an age thing, or a twin thing!!
I am guessing a twin thing because she looks younger than she did four years ago. I meant to ask her
how she did that!
Nancy, Gail and Carolyn were absent. Nancy was babysitting. I got sidetracked weaving and forgot to
ask what Gail and Carolyn were doing. I assume having fun somewhere else.
Debbie Wilson was absent because she has been travelling around the country and attending at least
one gourd festival. She got home on Monday but needed a day to rest. That my friends, IS due to an
age thing!! On the happy side, she won some serious ribbons for one of her gourds. Looky, looky!!
September 27,2022
Delores Von Rosen Basket Guild
The meeting was opened by President Julie Honchar after a great pot luck lunch.
Treasurer’s Report: Patricia reported that the guild has $2180.03 and that the rent has been paid through September 2022.
Next month , the meeting will be 7/11 Basket by KnK. Bring something to work on if you did not sign up for this basket.
November meeting will be Christmas ornaments.
December meeting will be annual fundraising silent auction, and basket exchange.
The Pot Luck for October will be in Halloween Colors,that will be interesting for sure !
I would come just to see, even if I had not a thing to weave,
Members that we missed at the meeting and hope are on the mend;
Rhonda was on a cruise with a hurricane pending. Robbie Norris fell the Monday before the September meeting and broke a bone in her hand, Peggy McCarson was in the hurrican path also- She is okay, I texted her.
Sis has been sick and Bonnie was not there. We missed some others and hope all will return healthy and strong.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Wilson
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